Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2009

New Paymet Solutions

With the economic decline recently in the United States and the global effects, we all have to realize how connected we are. The world is getting smaller and smaller through the use of technology and more progress made in that area. We live in the age of the Internet, Mobile Phone, PDAâ € ™ s, VOIP, Text Messaging, Social Networking, Twitter, SKYPE, WIFI, Video Conferencing and the list could continue.

This is the reason why after the passing of Michael Jackson found out most of the non-traditional news media and information outlets. Most received text messages informing them of the news according to the traditional news outlets. Information has the ability to go viral in a matter of minutes.

Is this something to do with you, you may ask. Everything! You and I are the driving force behind the technology and we must start using technology to our advantage not only for fun activities and to keep in touch with friends and family, but also for the purpose of growth and business development.

When I arrived in Canada-based company Mobile Selfbank I have to dig it, and I'm glad I did. I am frustrated and somewhat angry at the way some large banks have taken advantage of the average hard working citizens just trying to support themselves and their families. These institutions do not empower the people more accurately, making them dependent on systems that are only interested in making some rich.

Selfbank Mobile has combined two of the world, the banking sector and the social media world. The company has developed a payment solution that allows your end users to send and receive payments directly with your wireless phone through text messages, at a fraction of what the costs will be used by other companies. Whatâ € ™ s most important is the idea of empowerment.

Selfbank Mobile already has a system that allows regular Joeâ € ™ s to get the revenue from transaction fees such as banking institutions great. This is empowering consumers. You not only can use the platform, but you also have the potential to earn big. For every person you see them personally and Selfbank activate your account to receive money every time they make a transaction. The cost to create a basic account to send and receive money, get this, free; with upgrade options.

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