Rabu, 09 September 2009

Company Blogging Do's & Don'ts

A large company blog is part of establishing a SEO campaign for a company. A company blog is an important building block for companies that want to build traffic to their Web sites and expose their brands online. In my opinion, a company decided to have a blog is like rolling over and offering their stomachs their customers vulnerable. This is an opportunity for companies to loosen their ties and show their personal side in a professional atmosphere. Who can work for you or against you depending on how you use your blog. It is important to remember these tips when writing a company blog, to make sure it does not backfire on your company's image.

1. Post regularly is a must. You can not create excitement around your company by starting a blog, get readers and visitors and then let it fail out. Make sure you provide something substantial for your readers on a regular basis, to give them a reason to visit. Do not copy any other messages that you find on the Internet. Similar topic, but make sure you understand more personal and make your own. If you need to talk about something that you find on the blogs of others, make sure you give them their due credit.

2. Do not ever use a blog to insult other brand or company. True, a blog is a place for one to write their true feelings, thoughts and opinions. However, you must remember that EVERYONE will read your company blog .. Your competitors, before customers, prospective customers, business partners and investors can all read it, so it is important to maintain a certain sense of responsibility about the material you put on your blog.

3. Have a material comfort. A blog can be a platform for showing video of interest, the field of advice, pictures, updates, theories in the field of work, breaking industry news, and much more. People should take the idea that you are up to date in your field of work and are under constant research and development when it comes to work. Impress people by showing that you are on top your game!

4. Do not babble when writing posts. People will get bored with the long drawn out write-ups with ease. So, try and keep your posts on the shorter side. Limit your posts to about 500-700 words per entry. It helps to have a colorful image incorporated in all your posts. For example, if you explain in your post how to use a program that will be recommended to include a snapshot to facilitate the reader to understand what you write. It also gives a clean and attractive look of your posts when you are able to break a paragraph with interesting images relating to your writing.

5. Use correct English grammar. Just because this is the personal aspect of your company, does not mean you can literally sacrificed all parameters used. Of course, you can give your blog post with a touch of casual study of the heart to write to your customers and clients. But make sure you have the correct grammatical sentences and proper diction.

6. Do not take undue advantage of the stuffing as many keywords in your blog post. Sure you can do it if you want. However, users will see through this façade and stop visiting the blog of your company when they realize that you do not keep their interests in mind.

7. Be careful when promising something in your blog post. There are many companies that choose to use their blogs to express the product release date. If you do not end up meeting the promises it will look very irresponsible on the part of your company.

8. Make sure the look of your blog site is correlated with your company. Having a theme for your company blog and one for your company website looks very amateurish and disorganized. Company logo and colors, must be equal in all good web sites so that visitors can identify with your brand easily. You need to host your blog on your domain.

9. Make sure your blog has an option for visitors to leave comments and feedback. This is very important for your blog, because it gives you the opportunity to directly communicate with your customers. Consumers will feel they can relate to your brand if their voices heard and their concerns can be overcome.

10. Installing Google Analytics to track how many visitors you are every day. This will give you an idea of how corporate blogging is working for you. You will be able to review the effects of enhancements or changes that you make in your blog to see what it does and does not work for your company blog.

Url : https://db-job-vacancy.blogspot.com/2009/09/company-blogging-dos-donts.html

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